
Maintaining health and fitness requires a healthy and integrated lifestyle in all respects. Because health and nutrition are interrelated, food often plays a key role in maintaining our health. Here you will find 30 tips on health and fitness based on a healthy lifestyle.

10 Tips to Protect Against Cancer

Concentrate on good carbohydrates, whole grains and avoid sugars.
2 You must get 8 or 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day provided they are varied to get a high percentage of antioxidants that protect against cancer. Three servings of fruit and the rest of vegetables are taken.
3 It is recommended to eat raw nuts and eggs daily.
4 It is recommended to reduce the intake of salty and smoked foods because they increase the risk of stomach cancer when excessive intake.
5 240 g of fish per week should be taken, equivalent to two or three times. Chicken is also a good source of protein and is recommended to be eaten twice a week.
6 Red meat can be eaten exceptionally, even those that are said to be fat-free contain a higher proportion of fat than fat fish.
7 Use olive oil or canola oil in the preparation of food provided they are not put on fire.
8 Trans fats should be avoided in pastries, cookies and margarine because they are even more dangerous than butter.
9 Instead of keeping chocolate and biscuits with us apples, bananas and carrots can be saved for eating as small meals.
10. Exercise must be practiced regularly.

10 Tips to Fight Cholesterol

1) Select low fat meat and remove visible fat from meat before cooking.
2 Small amounts of meat that can be prepared in dishes rich in vegetables and grains should be taken.
3 It is recommended to eat fish, hamburger and chicken more than red meat because it contains a lower proportion of fat. It is also important to remove the chicken skin before cooking.
4 Healthy methods can be adopted in cooking, such as roasting, boiling and cooking on steam instead of frying.
5 Multiple unsaturated oils and monounsaturated oils can be used moderately.
6 Eat skimmed milk instead of full fat.
7 It is recommended to replace the whole fat solid cheese with the low fat.
8 You can roast the food in a bag in the oven to keep the moisture to avoid drying. The meat can be steamed.
9 Low-fat sauces can be combined with low-fat milk with flour and cold water before cooking.
10 It is recommended to buy low-fat foods instead of whole fat to reduce the amount of fat in the diet.

10 Tips for Diabetes

1) Do not eat large quantities of red meat, which can be replaced with soy.
2 Limit the intake of fatty sweets and in turn can eat healthy home sweets
3 Limit salt intake
4. You should refrain from smoking
5 A light sport should be done after breakfast.
6 You should eat slowly to facilitate digestion
7 - should eat a lot of cereals such as lentils and beans rich in fiber. It also gives a quick sense of fullness and relieves the appetite to eat. In addition, grains do not raise blood sugar directly when ingested.
8 The main meal should be started with salad and vegetables, which are rich in fiber and water. It also reduces appetite to avoid over-eating, as well as rich in protein and minerals.
9. Eat large quantities of vegetables and fewer fruits to enrich them with substances that help fight diseases.
10 Think positively while eating and keep calm and avoid anger.


Suivre un regimen fruits ... Le monde de la diète et de la perte de poids semble être rempli de recettes. Étant donné que la plupart des femmes et des filles ont du mal à s’engager dans un régime alimentaire particulier, les nutritionnistes ne doivent répertorier qu’une variété de ces systèmes de perte de poids. Peut-être pour nous encourager ou même pour choisir ce qui nous convient le mieux. Depuis des années, le régime alimentaire des fruits est répandu et certains pensent que c’est la solution magique pour les débarrasser de l’excès de poids. Quoi de plus intéressant est de manger vos fruits préférés.

Mais pour un moment! Savez-vous que ce système n’est pas aussi facile que certains le pensent, car il présente de nombreux avantages et présente également des inconvénients. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé aujourd'hui de récolter tous les fruits des fruits et des bienfaits ainsi que la méthode d'application ...

Qu'est-ce qu'un fruit au raisin?

Est un régime végétarien qui ne contient aucun produit animal que ce soit la viande, les produits laitiers, les œufs et autres. Il ne contient pas non plus de légumineuses ni de céréales, mais dépend principalement des fruits, mais peut être accompagné de certains légumes ou noix.

Règles de régime

Ce régime a des règles strictes qui doivent être respectées par qui le fera qui vous est rassemblé dans les points suivants ...

1 - Buvez suffisamment d’eau par jour, pas moins de 12 tasses d’eau.

2. Évitez de faire de l'exercice.

3 - consommer des suppléments de protéines de boissons.

4 - Éloignez-vous des boissons Caféine, thé, café, Nescafé.

5 - Restez à l'écart de manger des fruits secs.

Est-ce que tout le monde peut suivre ce régime?

C’était l’une des questions les plus fréquemment posées. Nous avons donc décidé de rassembler une liste des personnes que vous avertissez de suivre…

Femmes enceintes

2. Basse immunité

3 - les propriétaires de maladies chroniques telles que les diabétiques

4- Femmes pendant l'allaitement


Au début, vous devriez connaître très bien ce régime qui ne peut être appliqué que pendant trois jours. Il dispose de fonctionnalités telles que ...

1 - nettoyage du système digestif

2 - se débarrasser de la dépendance alimentaire

3 - réussir à diminuer entre 4 et 4 et demi kg

Fruits endommagés

Malgré les caractéristiques de ce régime et sa courte durée, il comporte de nombreux dégâts et risques, qui ont déjà fait état de dommages pour le régime alimentaire des fruits, mais cette fois, nous avons collecté les plus dangereux ...

1 - Suivre le système pendant plus de 3 jours nuit au corps et le blesse très faible.

2 - provoque parfois des diarrhées car les fruits sont riches en fibres.

3. Il y a une forte probabilité de gain de poids rapidement une fois que le système est arrêté.

4 - les cellules du corps n'ont besoin que d'une certaine quantité de protéines par jour qui ne sera pas fournie par ce système.

5. Ce système manque de calcium, ce qui affectera grandement la santé des os.

Quels fruits sont autorisés dans ce régime?

Au début, nous devons convenir que tout système de fruits séchés est strictement interdit.

1 - fruits sucrés tels que dattes, bananes, figues.

2 - Fruits gras tels que les avocats, les olives, la noix de coco.

3 - fruits amidonnés comme la citrouille

4- Pastèque

5 - Fruits acides tels que pamplemousse, orange, mandarine, pêche, baies.

Source de l'image principale: doctissimo


All you need to know is to start practicing yoga, including health benefits, yoga methods for beginners and finding a classroom to teach yoga.

What is yoga? 

Yoga is a collection of old exercises that focus on strength, flexibility and breathing to promote physical and mental health. The basic elements of yoga are physical positions (a set of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing. Yoga originated in India about 5,000 years ago and has been embraced by many countries in a variety of ways. Yoga is now common in entertainment centers, health clubs, schools, hospitals and surgery clinics.

What are the health benefits of yoga? 

Dozens of studies have been published on the benefits of yoga. While there is room for more serious studies on the health benefits of yoga, most studies suggest that it is a safe and effective way to increase body activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. There is also some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease and pain - including low back pain - and depression and stress.

Can yoga help prevent falls?

 Yeah. Yoga improves balance by strengthening the lower body, especially the ankles and knees, thus reducing the likelihood of falling. However, sometimes the fall may be due to a health condition, in which case visiting a doctor or a clinic to treat falls in a local hospital is a good idea.

Can yoga help people with arthritis?

Yoga is common in people with arthritis

Because of its gentle style in enhancing flexibility and strength. Some research suggests that yoga can reduce pain and mobility problems in people with knee arthritis. However, some yoga movements are not suitable for people with arthritis. Look for a yoga teacher who has experience in arthritis and is able to adapt yoga movements to the needs of individuals, especially if you have alternative joints. Check with your doctor or physical therapist whether there are any positions in yoga you should avoid.

Am I older to practice yoga? 
of course no. People often start practicing yoga in their 70s and many say they wish they'd started earlier. There are certain yoga classes for all age groups. Yoga is a form of exercise that can be practiced from childhood to advanced life.

Should I have physical fitness for practicing yoga?

No, where you can join a row suitable for your fitness level. For example, to join a yoga class for diverse abilities, you need to be able to stand and sit on the floor. Some yoga classes are reserved for disabled people.

Do I need physical flexibility to practice yoga?

 not necessarily. Yoga practice will improve the flexibility of your body and will help you move beyond your usual movement, and then feel more comfortable during your normal daily activity.

Can I hurt myself while practicing yoga? 

The most common infections that occur when practicing yoga are the result of repeated stress or excessive stress. But yoga is like any other kind of exercise regimen. Yoga practice is completely safe if it is taught by people who master it and are experienced. Learning yoga through a qualified teacher and choosing a yoga class that is appropriate for your level will ensure you are safe from injuries.

What style of yoga should I follow?

 There are many yoga models, such as Ashtanga, Yingar and Sivananda. Some of these methods are more effective than others. These methods have different stimulation centers, such as posture or breathing. Many yoga teachers develop their own style by studying more than one yoga method. No method is necessarily better or more effective than other methods. The key ingredient in yoga practice is to choose a yoga class suitable for your fitness level.

What kind of yoga training classes do you research? 

These grades vary in length from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Long hours will also give you extra time to learn breathing and relaxation techniques and this will give time for the yoga teacher to improve your individual abilities. It is worth talking to the yoga teacher about his or her approach to pre-enrollment education for his or her training.

Where can I find a class to teach yoga? 

There is no need for specific qualifications to teach yoga. However, it is generally agreed that, in order to be able to teach yoga, you need to obtain a certificate and a certificate from the Yoga Society.

Can I use a book or DVD to learn yoga instead of attending a yoga lesson?

 It is best to begin practicing yoga while attending the learning lesson to learn the correct yoga and breathing techniques. When learning through DVD, no one will be with you to correct your mistakes, which can lead to injury over time. After gaining some experience from yoga classes, practicing with DVD is useful for further training.

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History of Moroccan caftan

The Moroccan caftan is considered to be one of the oldest traditional garments. Its appearance dates back to the Marinite era and the Saadi era, especially during the reign of the Moroccan Sultan Ahmad Al-Mansour Al-Zahabi. And then spread to Andalusia according to some researchers, thanks to the music of "Zriab" at the beginning of the ninth century, and was the first appearance of Qaftan in the cities of Morocco known as Kfas, Tetouan, Rabat (...) At the Moroccans who were expelled from Andalusia in the fifteenth century, Moroccans will start trading thousands of pieces of Moroccan dress (caftan) to the king of Portugal who was so fond of the dress. The caftan also expresses a special costume for the Moroccan people, expressing a high-class culture and aesthetics, which stands out in front of other peoples. It is a symbol of the customs and traditions of every Moroccan man, and a distinctive fashion that stands out in every caftan. The design of the Moroccan caftan requires profound knowledge in its history. The Moroccan caftan has been published in neighboring countries and is admired by the Moroccan manufacturer of craftsmanship. Today we see the Moroccan caftan became global after it spread in all Bekaa Al Mamorah is the world's most traditional dress.

And modify

The Moroccan caftan is the basic piece of Moroccan women in every wedding, ceremony or special occasion, which has not shaken him from the throne of the highest fashion marks of the world of the evening dresses, and remained a tribute to the spectacle of the elegance of Moroccan women.

The Moroccan caftan is a one-piece dress usually worn loosely without a belt, unlike a "tacchita" consisting of two pieces to three pieces and worn with a belt.

The Moroccan caftan is based on luxury fabrics that are decorated with Moroccan hand embroidery such as Rabati (relative to the city of Rabat) or Fassi (in relation to Fez), in addition to decorating it with stones, not forgetting the most important process which is called "teacher service" in Morocco They thread threads of silk, silver or gold.

Moroccan women have been adorned with this painting for many centuries, before coming out of its geographical limits to the world in the nineties of the last century thanks to the organization of offers promoting the Moroccan Capitan and the masterful Moroccan designers and teachers in the design of luxury.


What is SNAP? 

Snap, the supplemental vitamins help software, is the program formerly called meals stamps. It's miles a federal vitamins software that allows you stretch your food budget and purchase healthy meals.
Snap advantages may be used to purchase meals at grocery stores, comfort stores, and a few farmers' markets and co-op meals applications.
Snap benefits are given to you every month on a plastic card known as an ebt (digital benefits switch) card, which matches like a debit card. Paper coupons are no longer used.
Snap is a nutrition program. It is not a welfare cash help software (that's known as tafdc). You do no longer should be receiving tafdc to get snap — these are separate programs.
Snap is a federal entitlement program. This indicates all and sundry who's eligible will obtain blessings. You may no longer be doing away with benefits from a person else in case you follow.
America branch of agriculture (usda) oversees snap on the federal stage. In massachusetts, you follow for advantages via the kingdom employer that administers this system, known as the department of transitional help (dta).

How does snap work?

Snap (or food stamps) affords well timed, targeted and temporary blessings to human beings in need in order that people have access to nutritious meals. Snap responds quickly to adjustments in our population, developing in reaction to increases in poverty and unemployment, and shrinking because the want is met and decreased. Snap is run by means of the states, that have tremendous discretion to evolve this system to fine meet the desires of their residents

Many women want a beautiful and attractive look for their bodies, especially the appearance of the rear. There are many ways to enlarge the rear and make it look more attractive, such as proper exercise, diet and lifestyle choices. Follow this article to learn more about buttocks and how to enlarge the ass.
How to enlarge the back of the exercise ?
The size of the rear can become larger as the muscles increase strength, and the main muscles in the buttocks that give form and strength are the muscles gluteal gluteal muscles, and the main muscle in the buttocks are large brigades which is the muscle that gives the buttocks shape round, The strongest muscle in the body, so if you want to get a larger and more rounded rear, you will need to exercise to strengthen these muscles and make them grow, and in addition to exercise to strengthen the muscles of قthe back, you will also need a good diet for the loss of unnecessary fat To tighten the rear.
Today we will talk about two types of exercise

1. practice squatting 

How to practice squatting to enlarge the buttocks:
There are several ways to apply this exercise, such as extending the arms up and then squatting up and down, and can be loaded Dambalz horizontally and squatting, and another way is to bend the foot back on the ground and keep the second straight with the load of dumbels in both hands and squatting.

A large ball can be placed behind the back and carrying dumbbells in both hands and do a squatting exercise
2. butt bridge exercise

Watch vedio 


Another great way to get a larger butt is the butt bridge exercise, which helps to strengthen the formation of the muscles of the back, and helps to strengthen the lower back and prevent the pain of the lower back.

see you later . Learn more exercises


Alfonso cuaron's semi-autobiographical
film, approximately a domestic worker in Nineteen Seventies mexico, has gained a string of prizes this awards season, similarly cementing its course to capability oscar achievement. On sunday, the severely-acclaimed film had 4 wins, together with cinematography and movie now not in the english language, and has additionally earned netflix its first-ever nomination for high-quality photograph at the oscars later this month.

Length drama "the favourite", wherein olivia colman stars as britain's 18th century queen anne, gained seven baftas, such as incredible british movie, original screenplay, production design, gown design and make up and hair.

Colman, who portrays the monarch as frail and tempestuous, gained the main actress class, a victory that were predicted by using many. Her co-big name rachel weisz scooped the supporting actress prize, an award for which fellow "the favourite" megastar emma stone turned into additionally nominated.

"we're having an awesome night aren't we," colman advised her fellow "the favorite" nominees as she picked up the award.

"this is for a lead. As far as i am worried, all three of us are the identical and need to be the lead. This is for all three people. It's were given my call on it, but we will scratch in some other names."

Rami malek took the leading actor prize for his portrayal of late queen frontman freddie mercury inside the queen biopic "bohemian rhapsody", adding to his golden globe and display screen actors guild award wins for the function. The movie additionally received the sound prize.

The baftas, held at london's royal albert corridor, drew hollywood stars including "a celebrity is born" actor and director bradley cooper and "mary queen of scots" nominee margot robbie, on foot a chilly crimson carpet.

1.Use spray oil.
To use the exact amount you need to oil a pan, use a special spray that is found today in almost every supermarket. If you do not have this object in hand, you can also use a silicone brush to grease your dish / mold.

2. Fry food in broth instead of oil. Another way to prepare a more balanced dish is to fry it in broth. A few spoonfuls are enough. Although it also contains fat, there is less than in oil.

3. Use plain yogurt instead of ready-made sauces.
Forget the sauces that are found in the trade. They contain too much preservatives and additives. Use a plain yogurt base to prepare your vinaigrettes and other sauces.

4.Included sesame seeds in your diet.
Sesame seeds are a very good source of calcium. Add to your salads and other dishes. Not only are they good for you, but they are also pretty and appetizing.

5.Cook your dishes in the oven.
If you want to follow the best traditions for a healthy diet, stop frying your food. Baking is one of the healthiest ways to cook.
6.Sale the food once it is served on the plate
Nutritionists say that salt that has not been subjected to heat shock is much less harmful to the body. That's why it's best to salt your dish once it's served.

7.Replace salt iodized with sea salt.
Sea salt, unlike iodized salt, is not only composed of sodium chloride, but it also contains other minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and other nutrients. That is why it is better to replace the classic salt with sea salt.

8.Cook vegetables in boiling water.
If you want to prepare vegetables in the water, it is better to put them in the already boiling water. They will thus retain more of their nutritional qualities and their vitamins.

10.Prepare the vegetables with steam.
Preparing vegetables for steam is the best solution. It's very simple and the vegetables stay healthy. Today there are some special utensils and pans on the market that simplify the preparation of vegetables.

11.Chrose the broth.
Prepare a broth and freeze it in an ice cube mold. Add them to the dishes you cook to give them more flavor. Also, remember that it is a good alternative to oil.

12. Do not forget the spices.
Spices can transform the world's most tasteless dish. And they are very good for health. Choose the spices that you prefer, add them to your dishes and strengthen your immune system.
13. Associates red meat and avocado.
A lawyer gives the meat additional properties. Add an avocado to a red meat dish, it will make it easier to digest, and the dish will be more nourishing and more balanced.

14. Add broccoli mustard.
Broccoli is a source of B vitamins. But you can make it even healthier by eating it with mustard.

15.Prepare smoothies.
Smoothy is the quickest and easiest way to consume a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Be creative. You can take milk or plain yoghurt as a base. Add different fruits and vegetables and fill up on vitamins.

Today, you're taught to paintings the lower abdominals to keep away from having a small stomach bounced. Short and effective physical games to practice at domestic for a second of energizing fitness.
Step 1
1st exercise
Lie down at the ground.
Bend your legs halfway up.
Keep the destroy.
Enhance his chest by means of making 12 small pictures, hands stretched ahead to have momentum.
Exercising to reproduce 3 instances every week.
2nd step
2nd workout
Sit, legs bent forward.
Take a tennis ball in his palms.
Hold your legs bent whilst placing the ball on the left and proper.
Reproduce the 12 movements in collection of 3.
Exercise to reproduce 3 times every week.
Step 3
To avoid stiffness the next day, lie down and stretch your frame all of the way.


 You can cozy up by means of your fire for another month or  until spring, or you could get out and experience the renowned food scene on the town. Here’s a manual that will help you do the latter.


Feb * through tenth “salem’s so candy,” information click here
Sat ninth speakeasy donuts is at a ways from the tree.
Sun 10th 2d sunday chowder collection at the pickering residence
Valentine’s day…
Reminder: make your reservations/area your orders in advance


A&j king’s bakery valentine’s menu click right here valentine’s day menu at nathaniel’s eating place on the hawthorne hotel.
Finz is taking valentine’s day reservations, click on right here.
Firenze trattoria is open valentine’s day 4.30pm to 10pm.
Jodi bee bakes (cupcakes picture above) is serving a unique ten-course gluten free and vegan valentine’s menu, click on right here.
Koto is having a unique prix restore menu, 3 path dinner with drink for two.
Click here to view ledger’s special valentine’s menu.
Opus will have stay tune valentine’s night. After dinner be a part of them downstairs at opus underground.
Stella’s restaurant and wine bar will be proposing a unique valentine’s dinner menu feb 14th – 16th, making it superb clean to experience this cute new region in salem!
The pickering house valentine’s day residence concert, 7pm. Tickets and data click right here.
And mid-february…

Sat 16th “devices and gizmos” tour at the the phillips house museum and that night “burns night” at hamilton hall
Wed twentieth “pinot noir round the world” wine dinner and pairing at sea stage oyster bar & kitchen salem.
Yeah! Melt is scheduled to reopen for season march 1st.
Wine tastings, notes, and unique offerings…

Bitbar’s new winter menu could be on-line within the coming days. We can’t wait to strive the”yoga flame”, indian vegetable pakora fritters, mixed vegetables, pickled onions, and tamarind sauce, served on ciabatta.  Yum!
Olde principal street pub is serving brunch on saturdays and sundays 12-3pm
Salem spice is transferring forward with getting all of their flavors into their stunning new space at sixty two wharf road. They're also making plans a few quick-word activities for february with their keep companion the branch olive oil co., whose retail space soft commencing might be sunday february third. Prevent on by for a few shopping specials and a big gamble. Salem gnu kitchen, which rounds out the trio at 62 wharf, is scheduled to open early march.
Aroma sanctum could be on spoil feb fifth via eighth and eleventh, however could be open the relaxation of the month which include for salem’s so sweet and for valentine’s day.  Scents make a lovable gift!
Gulu-gulu winter menu includes greater brunch alternatives and vegetarian items.
Thursdays at sealevel faucet & shuck: flight of beer & half dozen oysters for $thirteen
Scratch kitchen reopens early february, take a look at their facebook web page for info.
Salem wine imports keeps with their loose wine tastings tuesdays 6.30pm, and coming quickly – wine school friday evenings. Watch their fb web page for extra data.
The cheese save of salem: wine tastings fridays 5pm to 7pm and saturdays 4pm to 6pm.
Saturdays 2pm to 4pm free wine tastings at pamplemousse salem and analyzing vicinity too!
Stella’s eating place and wine bar is supplying a satisfied hour and greenback-a-shuck menu, monday through wednesdays starting at 4pm.  Except oysters, their satisfied hour menu consists of brief rib poutine, wagya pork sliders, and roasted vegetable lasagna.
Brodie’s wintry weather hours: open wednesdays through sundays; closed mondays and tuesdays via cease of winter. Thursdays $5 burgers.
Adea’s mediterranean kitchen is now on grubhub.

February recipes and readings (in case you do need to stay in):

Melt the one you love’s heart with molten chocolate cake.
How chocolate and valentine’s mated for life.
Satisfactory ingredients to eat while it’s cold outside.
Nordic veggie soup recipe.
Julia infant’s pork bourguignon recipe
13 salsa recipes to your superbowl birthday party
The 10 great books approximately food 2018

Keep the date:

Irish enjoy tours on the phillips house museum – march ninth and 16th
Salem girls’s records day, march 24th, on the phillips house museum
Salem movie festival march 29th – april 4th
The yearly fashion show fundraiser is fri april twenty sixth, extra data soon.
Resistance ball at hamilton corridor, greater information quickly WS

Une semaine après avoir dominé l.  A. France pour le in shape d’ouverture des 6 nations, le can pay de galles a maîtrisé l’italie à rome sur le rating de 26-15. Ce succès permet aux gallois de prendre provisoirement l.  A. Tête du classement avant le match de l’angleterre demain face au xv de france.
Los angeles seconde affiche de la 2e journée du tournoi des vi international locations voyait l’italie recevoir le will pay de galles pour une rencontre qui a tenu toutes ses promesses avec five essais et du beau jeu déployé tout au lengthy de l’après-midi.
à home le xv italien a pourtant été rapidement distancé par four pénalités de biggar (2' 15' 19' 29' zero-12) avant de montrer une rémotion collective avant los angeles pause et un essai signé steyn et reworké par allan (34' 7-12).
En seconde période les locaux y ont cru avec cette pénalité d’allan pour se rapprocher (44' 10-12). Mais adams (54') et watkins (70') ont ensuite inscrit deux essais qui ont sonné comme deux coups de marteau pour les transalpins.
Ils ont toutefois sauvé l’honneur en fin de rencontre avec un essai de padovani (75' 15-26). Le xv du poireau prend los angeles tête du tournoi avec 8 pts, devant l’angleterre qui reçoit le xv de france demain à twickenham (16h).