15 Cooking tips that make food healthier

1.Use spray oil.
To use the exact amount you need to oil a pan, use a special spray that is found today in almost every supermarket. If you do not have this object in hand, you can also use a silicone brush to grease your dish / mold.

2. Fry food in broth instead of oil. Another way to prepare a more balanced dish is to fry it in broth. A few spoonfuls are enough. Although it also contains fat, there is less than in oil.

3. Use plain yogurt instead of ready-made sauces.
Forget the sauces that are found in the trade. They contain too much preservatives and additives. Use a plain yogurt base to prepare your vinaigrettes and other sauces.

4.Included sesame seeds in your diet.
Sesame seeds are a very good source of calcium. Add to your salads and other dishes. Not only are they good for you, but they are also pretty and appetizing.

5.Cook your dishes in the oven.
If you want to follow the best traditions for a healthy diet, stop frying your food. Baking is one of the healthiest ways to cook.
6.Sale the food once it is served on the plate
Nutritionists say that salt that has not been subjected to heat shock is much less harmful to the body. That's why it's best to salt your dish once it's served.

7.Replace salt iodized with sea salt.
Sea salt, unlike iodized salt, is not only composed of sodium chloride, but it also contains other minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and other nutrients. That is why it is better to replace the classic salt with sea salt.

8.Cook vegetables in boiling water.
If you want to prepare vegetables in the water, it is better to put them in the already boiling water. They will thus retain more of their nutritional qualities and their vitamins.

10.Prepare the vegetables with steam.
Preparing vegetables for steam is the best solution. It's very simple and the vegetables stay healthy. Today there are some special utensils and pans on the market that simplify the preparation of vegetables.

11.Chrose the broth.
Prepare a broth and freeze it in an ice cube mold. Add them to the dishes you cook to give them more flavor. Also, remember that it is a good alternative to oil.

12. Do not forget the spices.
Spices can transform the world's most tasteless dish. And they are very good for health. Choose the spices that you prefer, add them to your dishes and strengthen your immune system.
13. Associates red meat and avocado.
A lawyer gives the meat additional properties. Add an avocado to a red meat dish, it will make it easier to digest, and the dish will be more nourishing and more balanced.

14. Add broccoli mustard.
Broccoli is a source of B vitamins. But you can make it even healthier by eating it with mustard.

15.Prepare smoothies.
Smoothy is the quickest and easiest way to consume a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Be creative. You can take milk or plain yoghurt as a base. Add different fruits and vegetables and fill up on vitamins.

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